The ubiquity of mobile devices, wearables, cloud-based platforms, and apps have created an audience that is always on-the-go and more fragmented than ever. This presents a challenge for advertisers all over the globe to continually deliver their brand message wherever their consumers are, making out-of-home (OOH) advertising a strong, relevant format that will stand out and cut through all the noise.
For the past couple of years, outdoor advertising saw the greatest gains at 5%, according to Nielsen’s Global AdView Pulse. Meanwhile, PwC reports that global OOH advertising revenue will grow in revenue by 4.7%, to exceed by US$84 billion by 2018.
Here in Australia, outdoor advertising authority Outdoor Media Association, reports an unprecedented and staggering growth in 2014, posting 10% overall increase in net revenue amounting to $602.1 million.
Emerging from this continuing traction are low-cost, experiential marketing methods such as coffee cup advertising. Because of being creative, low cost and highly effective at targeting, coffee cup advertising is becoming the trend in many parts of the globe like the United States, India, and the Middle East.
This innovative and organic approach to OOH advertising is gaining momentum due to increasingly more sophisticated measurement tools, mobile commerce, and advances in logistics that give coffee cup ads an edge over non-OOH platforms.
Coffee and Conversion: To-Go
Millions of people around the world drink coffee at least once a day, and many of them get their coffee to-go from coffee shops and cafes that have mushroomed all over urban areas. Regardless of income, profession, country or culture, people simply cannot go a day without their caffeine fix, so they go out of their way to get their daily dose.
Coffee cup advertising provides an effective form of advertising to a widespread coffee or tea drinking audience. It offers a feel-good impression to consumers who associate drinking coffee with your brand.
More importantly, this form of highly targeted OOH advertising engages the consumer at a more personal level, making your message relevant while guaranteeing a call to action. Consumers hold a cup of coffee for an average of 37 minutes—exposing your brand to 37 minutes of undivided attention. During this time, you can easily persuade your audience to source more information about your product and service, go to your website, participate in a promo, or simply buy your product. In addition, while your consumer drinks coffee, an average of 6 more people will see the ad on your coffee cup, maximizing brand exposure at no additional cost.
Reach Media is the Place to be
Reach Media leverages on the growth of OOH advertising in helping you reach your audience so that they can experience your brand at a more personal level. Our best-of-breed coffee advertising focuses on coffee cup advertising, thereby allowing you to more persistently reach your audience many times during the day.
Reach Media’s coffee cup advertising helps you grow your business, get more sales, generate new leads, and meet your marketing goals by:
- Creating a personal interaction between your brand and your target audience
- Foster a positive perception to be associated with your brand as they go about their daily coffee routine
- Highly targeting your audience or easily exposing your brand to broader demographics
- Fully tailoring advertising to your marketing campaign
- Maximising exposure and brand recall
- Making the most out of your advertising spend
We have over 604 exclusive distribution partners all over Australia, spread across premium central business districts, office building foyers, public transport station hubs, and universities.
Contact our team at Reach Media on 1300 799 202 or email us on to find out how you can strengthen your brand, attract new customers, and save your company thousands of dollars using coffee cup advertising.