DC's Legends of Tomorrow, is an American superhero action-adventure television series featuring DC comics characters Arrow and Flash. To promote the release of Legends of Tomorrow on Bluray, DVD & Digital - Village Roadshow have partnered with Reach Media to run a coffee cup advertising campaign targeting young fans throughout Sydney and Melbourne.
On the back of Village Roadshow's first successful coffee cup advertising campaign, Reach Media were the natural choice to promote their next big DC Titles release throughout Sydney and Melbourne. The campaign execution zeroed in on Village Roadshow’s ideal target audience of the 18-45 year old MF demographic in close proximity to comic book stores and in cafes on University campuses of both cities. Village Roadshow opted to run tear-off portions offering the chance to win a limited edition Playstation 4 as well as a 1 in 10 chance to win a DC Title TV/DVD Pack – This acted as a powerful call to action driver whilst still also driving home the campaign message that the DC titles are now available to own on Blu Ray, DVD and Digital.